• +201001201313
  • reservations@machoeg.com

Macho Company Profile

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Since its inception in 2003, Macho Catering Services has been the established household name synonymous with good food and service.
As food-loving people, we believe delicious food should be the highlight of any event. Our well-trained staff, with their wealth of catering experience, are able to advise customers based on their specific budget and needs, by continuously working on feedback and suggestions received from our customers, our central kitchen is all ready to make constant improvements to serve a wider community. With this, we also mean introducing healthier choice menus in response to our customers, dietary requirements and health related needs. We ensure hygiene remains our top priority during daily food preparation.
We are guided by our deeply entrenched core values within the company; customer focused, service innovation and creative teamwork. Our sincere relationship developed with our customers over the years has made us their preferred go-to caterer for all occasions.

For further information about us and what we do, please call us on 01001201313.

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